Friday, January 5, 2007

Attack of the lurker quality movies!

If you have about the same level of interest in movies like me, every once in a while, you stumble upon movies that takes you totally by surprise and blows you away. This especially happens with old movies that you have absolutely have no faith in, but watch merely because you need something to fall asleep to. I still remember when i first saw 12 Angry Men without expectations, and that rose to become my favorite movie of all time!

Well, this happened again the other day. I was hung over and needed a movie to sooth my pains (actually, if you are taking allergy pills like i do when i drink, you dont get hung over, but i needed a nice intro for this sentence, so what the hell:)), and the only semi-interesting thing i could get my hands on was a science-fiction flick from 1971, The Andromeda Strain.
Its about a team of scientist trying to solve the mystery of a bacteria from space attacking earth.
I know, it sounds pretty 1950's and starts of kinda slow, but in the end it had me gripping a pillow so hard i was afraid to tear it to shreds! Exiting like few!

It actually seemed like the theory and scientific explanations that the movie presented, was pretty correct (from what i know, and thats not much). A couple of big universities and some other science places was also credited in the movie, CalTech among others.
Probably not coming to a cinema near you, so get your hands on this some other way.

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