Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New phone, new moon and a new spring

I lost my phone last weekend, and after desperately searching for it had to bite i da sure eplet and buy myself a new one yesterday. This is the photographic standard for the blog these days, and not much to talk about.

That bright spot on one of the photos (no not Maggie), is the lunar eclipse that is currently happening in Melbourne. Why they call it an eclipse I dont know, because the moon is apparently getting brighter than usual. But what do I know with my enormous brain!

And spring is now underway in Melbourne with 25 degrees in the park yesterday, and very pale Norwegian legs getting sun!

22. September Whitsundays GO!


Margrethe Stenevik said...

Korleis kan eg sitta i den vinkelen!?!

Vegard said...

Fordi du ha vært flink og spist frukten din

Anonymous said...

Alltid lika artig å sjekka bloggen din og kommentarane dine Vegard.
No sitte eg,mamma og Jonny å ler..
Håpa dåke får ein fin tur t Whitsundays:) Tenke da e nedtelling i huset no :)
Kos dåke :)

Helsing susto t Maggis :)

Vegard said...

Åja, margrethe kryssa flittig av på lista kvar dag :D