Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I have a crazy mother

I received a parcel today, weighing no less than 10 Kgs.

I asked my mother for some chocolate, some caviar and some other Norwegian groceries.
What I should have specified was that I meant 1 chocolate, 1 pack of caviar and 1 of every other thing that she sent! I'm gonna get fat.

Anyways, a thousand thank you's, especially for the photos of the entire family, and Vilde's fantastically fine paintings :)


Anonymous said...

jaikks.. håpe det var billigere kilopris på den pakka.. den eg sendte kosta sikkert 100 kr kiloen :P hehe ;D

Anonymous said...

Det er godt att noen mammaer er litt gal av og til det kommer jo dere tilgode, visst dette går skal dere få mer.Vi her hjemme har jo ingen ting og tape på dette. spis og kos dere