Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The St. Kilda festival

Been a while now, have been too busy doing nothing. This Sunday the St.Kilda festival went off (it actually went off alot sooner, but no one noticed), and we went partying at the clubs down by the beach. With us we had Inès, Maiken, Kim and Hansi. Kim we met the day we got shanghaied by a tourgroup at Deakin, and he introduced us to the rest of them when we met him at the beach. Hansi and Kim are also studying at Deakin, and the girls are here on vacation (a looooong vacation, which includes several stops).

I´ve gotten my own brand of beer down under!

Aaaaand this is what happens with too much of your ego-branded beer. Not very niice.
I even managed to order some food at the end of the evening, only to forget where i ordered it, and then going to bed hungry and angry.

Here´s a video of land wakeboarding we witnessed at the beach earlier that day. The wakeboarder is actually tugged by a wire and a huge winch, and is jumping over several pools of water:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hina deg so lange video fø so lite? datta skolde no jaggu eg og klart:)
