Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Simpsons, Rome and Prison Break kick-off

After a long holiday pause for The Simpsons and Prison Break, they are now getting back on the air. Simpsons started yesterday, and Prison Break is airing the next episode on the 22. of January.
Rome season 2 is airing next week sometime, but the first episode is already leaked. With a big-ass HBO logo all over the screen.

These 3 shows are the only ones i am following ATM. I was into Lost for awhile, but halfway into season 2, i got turned off by something. Probably was the neverending plot.
I hope they dont do that with Prison Break. A 3rd season maybe, but any more than that, and it will ruin the show.

Rome is probably the best show i have ever seen. Nice, believable setting, good story (true, if im not mistaken), and top-notch special effects. Hope they continue to spit money into that one.
Does anyone know how these shows are aired in Australia? At the same time as in America, or do one have to *ahem* aquire them some other way?


Benedikte said...

kløøør på deg

Vegard said...

Ikkje gidd da dao, fins sikkert ein salve som hjelpe